The next speaker was Claudio Filippi from top European club Juventus Torino. He spoke on the topic of "Physical contacts of the goalkeeper during the match". Based on research results, he showed how many contacts a goalkeeper has on average during the game with opponents and teammates. With video sequences of different game scenes he made clear in which game situations these body contacts of the goalkeeper arise. But how should a goalkeeper be prepared for these physical situations? For this purpose, Claudio Filippi, together with the company MGT Sport, has developed two aids that are helpful for training these situations: The Filippi Shield and the Filippi Push. With the help of the Filippi-Push goalkeepers can get used to contact with players and simulate physical contact. The Filippi-Push has other advantages as well. With its help, the goalkeeper builds confidence in himself to be able to secure the ball despite resistance, because he has repeatedly had this experience in training. In addition, he learns to assess whether the ball will fly over the push or not. Because of the visual disturbance caused by the push, the goalkeeper learns to assess whether to attack, catch, fist the ball, or retreat to the goal line. He also improves his reaction skills because he may have to react to deflected balls. In short, the Filippi push can be used to train many game situations that occur in the game, especially in space defense.
In the practical part that followed, Filippi used exercises to show how the Filippi Push can be used sensibly and in different ways to train various game situations.